Practice Essay “Agent Carter” Elements are very important to create a film. In the provided clip, many elements were used among the short 5 minute video. To begin with, there are 5 master shot films. These include Simultaneity, Parallelism, Contrast, Symbolism, and Leit Motiff. In the beginning of the film it starts off with with Steve plummeting down from the sky while Peggy watches in horror. Moving back and forward from Peggy praying Steve lands safely, to Steve telling her not to worry because he has to do what he has to do for the greater good, this would be an example of Simultaneity. Simultaneity is editing where the camera cuts from one action to another to show relation between the two. Steve, knowing his landing could possibly land in death, hangs a picture of Peggy in front of him while he plummets down. Moving on in the clip, Peggy is at the agency and opens up her drawer to find a picture of Steve. This shows shows parallelism and symbolism at the same time. Paral...